모집제목 | [리앤파트너] 상품개발파트(대리~차장급) / 상품기획마케팅 팀장/Valuation Analyst 채용 |
회사명 | 리앤파트너 |
회사구분 | 기타 |
모집인원 | 3명/1명/1명 |
고용형태 | 정규직 |
근무지역 | 서울 |
경력구분 | 경력 |
보험계리사 우대 | 보험계리사 자격증 소지자 |
상세요강 |
*회사명 안내는 후보자님 이력서 확인후 오픈해드리는점 양해부탁드립니다 1. * 대형 생명보험사* 1.상품개발파트 채용(대리~차부장급) 2명채용 Job
Description - 장기 신상품 개발 - 기획 운영 - 신규 위험률 개발 - 시장분석 등 상품 연구 및 조사 - 상품 판매준비 지원 - 대내/외
상품공시 및 제도변경 대응 업무 Qualification - 장기상품 개발 관련 경력 2년 이상 - 수학, 통계학
등 관련 전공자 우대 - 국내외 보험계리사 자격증 소지자 우대 Others - 신규충원 * asap으로진행되오니 빠른 지원과 많은 관심 부탁드립니다 유망 손해보험사 2.상품개발(사원~차장급) 개인보험 부문 (장기상품 개발) 사원~차장급(계리법인출신분 지원가능) Product
Development Job
2. 대형보험사_Product Planning & Marketing Team Leader (상품기획&마케팅팀장) Position Objective: Develop and execute strategic plans for
product and related programs to achieve company goals and better customer value
proposition Roles and Responsibilities:
1.Establish and manage overall product strategies Ÿ Conduct market research to identify
trends, customer needs, and competitive landscape, and translate findings into
actionable product development strategies Ÿ Develop a product concept and
positioning both in the market and in our product portfolio Ÿ Coordinate product development plans Ÿ Lead and Manage PDC(Product
Development Committee) processes to get management approval Ÿ KPI monitoring and management 2. Manage Product portfolio
based on the strategy Ÿ Construct optimal product portfolio
to facilitate the profitable growth of relevant key channels Ÿ Build and drive a strategic product
portfolio considering the growth potential and VoNB contribution etc Ÿ Identify the product or benefit
enhancement area to meet the evolving customer needs and competitive
environments 3. Build Healthcare Ecosystem Ÿ Lead innovative healthcare strategy
and service management to enhance whole propositions Ÿ Identify and establish partnership
with healthcare providers and relevant stakeholders with the understanding of
healthcare industry Ÿ Deliver the comprehensive healthcare
services integrated with products to customers 4. Build Wealth Management
Ecosystem Ÿ Conduct market research and identify
industry & market trends in wealth management Ÿ Collaborate with financial and
investment experts to integrate wealth management services into products Ÿ Create value proposition in
conjunction with product strategy to offer better wealth management
program/services to customers 5. Plan and Manage product
marketing strategy Ÿ Develop, execute, and support
product marketing and promotion plan Ÿ Design and implement a customer
campaign to promote the sales of target product Ÿ Manage the product-related marketing
material production & maintenance Ÿ Present key value proposition and
selling points internally (ExCO, PDC members) and externally (Fields) so that
product is communicated in the right direction as planned 6. Qualifications: Ÿ Minimum 10 years of
working experience in the insurance industry Ÿ Insurance product,
Healthcare knowledge or VIP marketing experience would be a plus Ÿ Excellent communication
and interpersonal skills in working with diverse teams Ÿ Ability to think out of
the box and come up with innovative ideas Ÿ Strong leadership and
team management skills Ÿ Good command of written
and spoken English 3. 외국계 재보험사_ Valuation Analyst Position Overview The Senior Actuarial Analyst will perform
valuation/financial reporting and analysis of Korea business’ financial result. The role will also
contribute to the maintenance and enhancement of the financial forecasting
system and analytic foundation by developing/maintaining actuarial models and
processes used not only for regular reporting, but also to support unbiased
business planning, economic capital refinement, capital planning, cash flow
testing, and other such uses. The Senior
Actuarial Analyst will provide general valuation, financial analysis, and
project assistance. This position may be also involved in IFRS 17 and
K-ICS related valuation. Responsibilities
전형절차 | 서류전형-1,2차인터뷰-연봉협상 |
접수기간 | 2024.05.02~2023.05.30 |
제출서류 | 국문이력서 |
접수방법 | bigstom@leenpartner.com (메일 워드파일 접수) |
담당자 정보
담당자명 | 석상현부장 |
전화번호 | 010-6697-0721 |
이메일 | bigstom@leenpartner.com |
팩스 | 02-553-1773 |