모집제목 | [머서코리아] 퇴직연금 컨설턴트(홍콩지사 근무) |
회사명 | 머서코리아 |
회사구분 | 기타 |
모집인원 | 1명 |
고용형태 | 정규직 |
근무지역 | 홍콩 |
경력구분 | 경력 |
보험계리사 우대 | 보험계리사 자격증 소지자 |
상세요강 |
The role: 퇴직연금 컨설턴트 - Retirement
Consultant We are currently seeking
to add to our pension consulting team for Korea. this role will be based in
Hong Kong to oversee client servicing from technical, analytical, and
operational aspects and provide pension advisory and solution services. You will be responsible
for helping clients achieve their pension goals by advising them on appropriate
pension objectives and policies, assisting with pension plan design and
implementation, actuarial valuation, and monitoring the performance of their pension
portfolios. You will be expected to provide expert advice on a wide range of
pension-related topics. You will be responsible
for delivering client work and supporting business development activities in
the pension space. You will take a proactive approach to supporting business
development and client deliveries for both existing and prospective pension clients.
As a pension consultant, you will make an impact as a seasoned individual
contributor, ready to act as a project lead, work independently, and help
teammates thrive. The growth opportunity includes wider intellectual pursuits
and profile-building through collaboration with stakeholders, both regionally
and internationally within Mercer. POSITION SCOPE
What you need to have:
About Mercer
전형절차 | 서류 – 면접 – 최종 합격 |
접수기간 | 채용시까지 |
제출서류 | 영문 이력서 및 자기소개서 |
접수방법 | Careers (myworkdayjobs.com) 링크 통해 이력서 접수 |
담당자 정보
담당자명 | 김희진 |
전화번호 | 02-2095-4869 |
이메일 | heejin.kim@mmc.com |
팩스 |