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[IAA] 30-day Council May 7 Agenda and Pre-Council Webinar
2020-04-10 조회수 : 286

Dear Council Delegates of Full Member Associations
(Copy Presidents and Correspondents, Alternate Delegates of Full Member Associations and Chief Staff Officers)

We hope you are all keeping safe and healthy in these uncertain times. We are pleased to send you the 30-day Council Agenda and are looking forward to the virtual IAA Council meeting on May 7 as well as the pre-Council webinar on April 21 at 7 a.m. EDT. President Tonya Manning will be hosting the Council webinar to provide an advanced look at some of the May 7 Council agenda items. Details on the April 21 Council webinar will follow shortly.

If you cannot attend the virtual Council meeting, please note that your association’s options are as follows:

1) to be represented by an Alternate Delegate;
2) to return to the Secretariat a completed electronic ballot;
3) to assign proxy voting rights to an existing Council delegate (instructions at Internal Regulations 3.9) to represent your association. Download the 
Proxy Form

Please contact Norah should you have any questions about accessing the Council agenda, electronic ballot or Proxy form. Please stay safe and healthy!
