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The American Academy of Actuaries is leaving the IAA
2019-07-19 조회수 : 673

안녕하세요, IAA에서 송부해온 공지 공람합니다. 

미국보험계리학회가 IAA 탈퇴의사를 밝힌것에 관한 내용입니다. 



The American Academy of Actuaries is leaving the IAA


On Tuesday, July 16, I received the message from the President of the American Academy of Actuaries (the Academy), Shawna Ackerman, that the Academy is withdrawing its membership from the IAA (see the first attachment). Separately, Mary E. Downs, Executive Director of the Academy sent a message to Mathieu Langelier, Executive Director of the IAA letting him know that the Academy is giving its representatives two weeks to transition any work they are currently doing to other committee members; after that date they will no longer be authorized to speak on behalf of the Academy; and that the Academy will not be providing financial or other support to individuals to travel to or participate in IAA-related meetings (see the second attachment). You will see the letter from Shawna Ackerman to the IAA Full Member Associations in the third attachment.


When the Officers of the IAA met with the Academy leadership during the Washington Committee Meetings last May, strong concerns were raised by the Academy about how the IAA has approached international model standards and the IAA syllabus. The Officers and the Executive Committee (EC) hoped that these concerns would be resolved by negotiations and through the work of the Renewal Task Force.


The Officers of the IAA started to make the necessary steps in order to mitigate the effect of the decision of the Academy. Given the information the Officers gained during the Washington meeting, the EC developed a first draft of a contingency plan in case a major Full Member Association would leave the IAA; this draft plan was discussed at the EC meeting on July 10, 2019. You will have further details of this plan adjusted for the fact that we now know the Academy’s decision to leave the IAA when you read the minutes of that EC meeting.


The IAA Officers initiated discussions with the leadership of two Full Member Associations of the IAA, the Society of Actuaries (SOA) and the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS). Their message to the Officers included, from the SOA, that it expects to continue to be committed to an IAA that is successfully reformed and renewed through the work of the Renewal Task Force; while from the CAS, that the CAS regularly reviews its international strategy as part of its strategic planning process and the CAS has no current plans to reduce its support of the IAA.


Given those assurances provided, the Officers are confident that the IAA should not change the current course of actions that includes the successful completion of the renewal process and that the IAA will continue to be recognized as the global organization of the actuarial profession worldwide.


Thank you for your attention.


Gábor Hanák

IAA President
