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2019 AFIR-ERM Colloquium and Webinars announcement for H1 2019
2019-04-12 조회수 : 305
5월 21-24일, 이탈리에서 열리는 콜로퀴엄 공지합니다.
자세한 내용은 첨부파일을 확인해주시길 바랍니다.  


Dear members,

We are pleased to share with you information about the AFIR-ERM Annual Colloquium to be held in Florence this year, from 21-24 May.

The AFIR-ERM Section is open for any individual (actuary or non-actuary) who is interested in financial risks, investments and enterprise risk management (ERM). We organize a Colloquium annually in which conferences are given by experts on different topics from all around the globe.

This year, innovative topics will include: Sustainable Value Creation, Hedging Extreme Risks, Investments in the ESG Framework, Systemic Financial Risks and Enterprise Risk Management in the Non-Financial Sectors.

The registration fee is around 1,250 EUR for non-members and 950 EUR for AFIR-ERM members. The fee to become a member is 50 CAD (Canadian dollars) and it covers your membership for the whole year (and gives you access to discounts on other seminars, webinars, related research and international networking). It is advisable to become a member and capture the discount straightaway.  Membership comes with many other professional benefits.

This costs above are for the early bird (before April 19), and will normalised post April 19th.  Please register now!

You can find attached all the information and relevant links. Click here for more information

See you in Florence!
