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[IAA] Renewal Paris update & February EC Report to Council
2019-03-04 조회수 : 300

Dear Full Member Association Council Delegates and Presidents

(copy Leaders’ Forum, Correspondents and Chief Staff Officers)


Renewal Task Force: Update on Paris Meetings


The second face to face meeting of the Renewal Task Force (RTF) of the International Actuarial Association (IAA) was held on February 21st and 22nd in Paris following the kick-off meeting of the RTF in January in London (see the communication on the London meeting here and you can also find the Terms of Reference of and the principles to be applied by the RTF:


The majority of the discussions focused around the basic principles of how the effectiveness of Council could be strengthened. There was broad agreement amongst the members of the RTF that an appropriately positioned and populated body would best serve the goal of improving Council effectiveness. However, no formal agreement was sought and RTF members will need to make further considerations on the viability and appropriateness of this overall approach, and the many details pertaining to the overall approach, before a formal agreement is reached and the RTF formulates its interim recommendations to the Executive Committee (EC) of the IAA in order for EC to submit its own report to Council in Washington DC.


The RTF also had very useful discussions on the committee structure, its potential alignment with the three Strategic Objectives and decided that before recommending any concrete steps, more in-depth analysis is needed. RTF members will take on such detailed analysis in smaller groups in the near future and the full RFT will consider the overall picture and deliberate on its interim recommendations to EC in this respect, too.


It is likely that the RTF will have no further face to face meeting until the IAA Council and Committee Meetings in Washington DC. but will continue the discussions by weekly conference calls. You will receive the interim recommendations of the RTF in due course before those meetings in Washington DC.


The IAA Officers would like to thank all delegates and their FMAs for their dedication to the work of the RTF, as well as l’Institut des Actuaires de France for kindly hosting the event and in particular to Charles Cowling who chaired the meeting in an excellent way.


Should you have any questions or comments to the above please send those to the Executive Director.


Thank you for your attention, I am looking forward to seeing you in Washington DC.


Executive Committee Report to Council  


The minutes from the EC meeting on February 5 are now available online. These minutes will from now on replace the previous report format in order to provide you with an enhanced insight into the work of the EC and to serve a deeper communication between EC and Council, FMA and IAA leaders. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Executive Director.


Gábor Hanák

IAA President


Tel: +1-613-236-0886 Fax: +1-613-236-1386

1203-99 Metcalfe, Ottawa  ON  K1P 6L7 Canada

