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[IAA] News Release
2014-11-07 조회수 : 1,042

IAA President 인 Rob Brown도 참가한 IAA 주최 지역발전 세미나가 10월에 타이페이에서 열렸다고 합니다. 세부적으로는 IAA Fund and Asia subcommittees of the Advice and Assistance Committee 에서

아시아에서의 계리교육 및 계리직의 발전을 지원하기 위한 세미나를 열었습니다. 참가국은 Bhutan, China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, Japan, Sri Lanka and Thailand 의 아시아  7개국과(Korea는 없네요),

 Australia, the UK, and the USA 였습니다.  

아울러 연이어 10월 개최된 East Asian Actuarial Conference(EAAC) 에 IAA가 참가하고 Brown회장님이 speech도 했다고 합니다. 730여명의 참가자들에게 IAA에 대한 overview와 퇴직연금 안정성 달성하기위한 방법에 대한 내용


이런 IAA의 활동들은 IAA의 strategic objective인 하나인 
"to support the development, organization and promotion of the actuarial profession in areas of the world in which it is not present or is not fully

 developed" 을 지원하기 위함입니다.

타이완의 경우는 본인들의 자체 시험이 없는대신 SOA와 연계가 활발해서 최근 FSA exam requirement 중 하나인 한 모듈도 Chinese로 번역해서 제공하기 시작했더라고요. 그리고 타이완 국내 statutory 기준도 미국의 CRVM

 method를 채태가고 있음을 제 개인적인 출장경험을 통해서도 엿본 적이 있었습니다. 우리도 원대한 꿈을 갖고 Kpop 저력을 계리분야에서도 보여줘야겠습니다.

IAA Hosts Regional Development Seminar and Participates in East Asian Actuarial Conference in Chinese Taipei

The IAA Fund and Asia subcommittees of the Advice and Assistance Committee organized a seminar in Chinese Taipei to support the development of actuarial education and the profession in Asia.


The seminar, which took place on October 11 and 12, was attended by 33 people from 7 Asian countries (Bhutan, China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, Japan, Sri Lanka and Thailand), Australia, the UK, and the USA. The IAA Fund provided bursaries for seven participants.


IAA President Rob Brown opened the seminar with an introductory presentation. Other presentations included:


· Actuarial Standards of Practice: Ruth Chu, Past President of the Actuarial Institute of Chinese Taipei;


· Public Affairs—Engaging with media, government officials and politicians to present actuaries expertise: Derek Cribb, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, and Errol Cramer, Society of Actuaries;


· Pushing the Boundaries of the Profession through Research: Sarah Mathieson, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, and Dale Hall, Society of Actuaries;


· Solvency II: Simon Dai, Deloitte Actuarial and Insurance Solutions (Hong Kong);


· Professionalism: Estelle Pearson, Actuarial Institute Australia; and


· Updates from regional associations and local regulation.


The IAA Fund Seminar was followed by the East Asian Actuarial Conference (EAAC) where President Brown gave one of the keynote speeches. His presentation, to 730+ registered participants, provided an overview of the IAA and focused on how to achieve retirement income security.


This activity contributes towards achieving the IAA’s strategic objective to support the development, organization and promotion of the actuarial profession in areas of the world in which it is not present or is not fully developed.


To learn more about the work of the IAA Fund, contact its Chief Executive, care of the Secretariat.
