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[IAA] WEEKLY NEWS BRIEF - December 20, 2023
2023-12-22 조회수 : 636



December 20, 2023



Season’s Greetings


Audience: All


Please note that the Secretariat office will be closed on December 25-26, as well as January 1st. The Secretariat will be operating with limited staff between December 22 and January 8. Should you require immediate assistance, please direct your communication to


Strategic Planning Committee Draw Results

Audience: All


As per the SPC protocol, the draw was streamed live and the recording is available here.


The result of the draw was:


  • The Tier 2 seat will be filled by the Actuarial Society of Hong Kong
  • The Tier 3 seat will be filled by the Nigerian Actuarial Society

As a reminder the Tier 1 seat will rotate to the Casualty Actuarial Society.


Thank you to all FMAs who self-nominated as well as the ones that inquired about the process.


We would also like to thank the 3 current SPC members rolling off at the end of 2023 for their dedication and work.


The incoming members are:


Tier 1: Mary Frances Miller representing the Casualty Actuarial Society

Tier 2: Iris Lun (TBC) representing the Actuarial Society of Hong Kong
Tier 3: Yeside Kazeem representing the Nigerian Actuarial Society


As Immediate Past President, Micheline Dionne will chair the SPC in 2024.


Council and Committee Meetings – Seoul, South Korea

Audience: All


  • The program is now available on the event's website.  
  • The registration period will open in January 2024.


For any questions, please contact the IAA Meeting Manager Anne Lamarche


Report from IAA Representatives at COP28

Audience: All


Simon Curtis (Chair, ISAP 8 Task Force) and Rade Musulin (Chair, Resource and Environment Virtual Forum) represented the IAA at COP28. Below are some key achievements from their visit.


Making personal contact with many key people, including new leaders of the IPCC working groups, the UNEP, SIF, PSI, ISSB, and many leaders in national or NGO pavilions working on projects as diverse as water, ice sheet stability, marine shipping decarbonization, African microinsurance, or the UN SDGs. The IPCC contacts, in particular, were important as the IPCC Working Groups re-form periodically after major Assessments are released. As the AR7 cycle is now kicking off it is essential to build relationships with the new teams.

  • Introducing the actuarial profession to many groups, particularly through interacting with experts following sessions at various pavilions.
  • Making contacts which can support IAA activities in work already underway under various SOIs, such as water and SDGs.
  • Learning a great deal about the wide variety of new science, economics, and policymaking which was rolled out at COP, which will help us provide useful input to various IAA activities in terms of new developments and the  latest science.
  • Making several key contacts with insurance representatives from Africa, which may open the door to new ways to support building the profession in this key part of the world.


They have submitted a full report to the IAA leadership and supranational relationship managers which identify key action points for the IAA in areas such as: Opportunities for the actuarial profession; IAA structure on climate and sustainability; ISSB activities; UNEP Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative; Emissions measurement; and, Nature and biodiversity. An abridged version of their report can be found here. Additionally, we will be releasing a podcast featuring Gabor, Simon and Rade in the coming weeks.



Notice of Public Submission - IAIS Public Consultation on Climate risk supervisory guidance – market conduct and scenario analysis

Audience: All Full Member Associations (Council Delegates and Correspondents) for necessary action


The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) the IAIS launched its second consultation in a series that aims to promote a globally consistent supervisory approach to climate-related risks.

For more details, please click here Comments are invited by 23 February 2024 24:00 CET


The IAA intends to submit a formal response to this consultation. The Insurance Regulation Committee (IRC) will be responsible for formulating the response to the IAIS on behalf of the IAA, with necessary input from the Climate Risk Task Force (CRTF).  The response will be developed in accordance with the requirements of the IAA Due Process for Making a Public Statements.


All members and observers of the IRC, and the CRTF have been requested to provide input to the response. The developing drafts and the final response will be shared with the IRC and the CRTF. Please ensure that your association’s input is provided via your representatives in the IRC. 


If your association does not have a member or an observer in the IRC, you may nominate an observer to the drafting group to review the developing response. We request you to contact Amali Seneviratne (Director Technical Activities) at the IAA Secretariat as soon as possible, but no later than 2 January 2024 if your association wishes to nominate an observer.  Please note that this will be your only opportunity to influence the development of the response, as it will not be circulated outside the IRC and the CRTF.


The final response will be submitted to the IAIS on or before 23 February 2024, subject to approval by IRC members.


Actuarial Standards Committee’s ISAP 7 Task Force is Disbanded with Thanks

Audience: All


ISAP 7 on “Current Estimates” and Other Matters in Relation to the IAIS Insurance Capital Standard was adopted by the IAA Council in Sydney, Australia in May 2023. The Actuarial Standards Committee (ASC) formally disbanded its ISAP 7 Task Force at their meeting in Lisbon on 18 November 2023. The IAA is thankful to the ISAP 7 Task Force for their dedication and efforts in developing ISAP 7, thus contributing to the development of the global profession. The members of the ISAP 7 Task Force were:

o   Nick Dexter (Chair)

o   Adrian Allott

o   Ralph Blanchard

o   Toshihiro Kawano

o   Greg Martin (ASC Liaison)

o   Margaret Tiller Sherwood

IAA Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

Audience: Correspondents of Member Associations


The IAA is committed to the principles of Diversity and Inclusion.  The Executive Committee’s Diversity and Inclusion Task Force has taken a number of actions to promote and encourage Diversity and Inclusion including providing opportunities for member associations to interact and share their views and experiences.  We wish to ensure that our initiatives and activities are of value to our member associations and will assist them as their needs evolve. 


We kindly request that you respond to this 5 minute survey by Friday January 19th, 2024.


Thank you for your assistance and cooperation.



Other News

Audience: All


New edition of The European Actuary published
Issue 36 of The European Actuary is now available. The theme of this issue is 'Innovation,' with articles, reports, and commentary spanning from cloud computing and actuarial modeling to addressing climate risks and social security issues. 
Find the magazine here.


CONVENTION A | EUROPE – Program and Registration
CONVENTION A l EUROPE will be hosted by the European Actuarial Academy and actuview on March 19-20, 2024. While the program is in progress, the topics of the plenary sessions have already been announced: As a daily highlight, the program will offer two plenary sessions featuring distinguished keynote speakers and covering two crucial topics: The Digital Euro and Climate & Sustainability. What's more: Registration for CONVENTION A | EUROPE will open in January 2024. 
Read on.


International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
99 Metcalfe Suite 1203 Ottawa, ON K1P 6L7  Canada |

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