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[IAA] IAA Releases Paper on Actuarial Considerations Around Pandemic-Related Risks
2024-07-30 조회수 : 1,223


June 18, 2024


펜데믹 관련 위험에 대한 보험계리적 고려 사항에 대한 IAA 논문 발표

국제보험계리사회(IAA)는 IAA 팬데믹 TF가 개발한 "팬데믹 관련 위험에 대한 보험계리적 고려사항" 논문 출판을 발표하게 되어 기쁩니다. 

이 논문은 보험계리사, 특히 팬데믹 연구나 분석에 깊이 관여하지 않았던 보험계리사와 향후 팬데믹에 대한 보험계리적 대응을 고려하고자 하는 비보험계리 이해관계자들을 위한 교육 자료입니다. 

COVID-19 팬데믹을 비롯하여 HIV/AIDS, 1918년 독감 팬데믹과 같은 다른 팬데믹들은 글로벌 시각과 대응 방식을 재편성하는 여러 중요한 요소를 드러냈습니다. 이 논문은 지금까지 배운 교훈에 대한 높은 수준의 회고를 제공하며, 향후 대비에 대한 귀중한 통찰을 제공합니다. 

팬데믹이 보험계리 직업에 미친 영향을 검토하면서 몇 가지 주요 주제가 도출되었으며, 이는 모든 실무 분야에 걸쳐 일반적으로 적용됩니다. 논문은 보험계리사의 주요 실무 분야와 광범위한 경제 및 사회적 영향, 금융 부문의 회복력에 대한 교훈을 살펴봅니다. 

이 논문은 팬데믹 관련 위험에 대한 보험계리사들의 잠재적 기여를 강조하고 인식을 높이기 위한 3편 시리즈의 첫 번째 논문입니다. 이 논문은 IAA 웹사이트의 PUBLICATIONS / PAPERS / HEALTH에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

팬데믹 위험 태스크포스는 논문을 발표하기 위해 연내에 웨비나를 개최할 예정입니다. 웨비나에 대한 정보는 세부 사항이 확정되면 추후에 안내드리겠습니다. 

이 활동은 IAA의 사명과 전략적 목표를 추진하여 글로벌 포럼에서 관련 이슈에 대한 초국가적 기관에 보험계리 전문 지식을 제공하고, 보험계리 직업의 과학적 지식과 기술 발전을 촉진합니다.

이 주제에 대한 IAA 작업의 자세한 내용을 확인하시려면 IAA 사무국의 Director of Technical Activities 에게 문의해주시기 바랍니다. 



The IAA is the worldwide association of professional actuarial associations, representing over 75,000 actuaries in more than 115 countries, with six special interest Sections for individual actuaries. The IAA was founded in 1895 and exists to encourage the development of a global actuarial profession, acknowledged as technically competent and professionally reliable, which will ensure that the public interest is served. The IAA has 73 Full Member Associations and 27 Associate Member Associations.


International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
99 Metcalfe Suite 1203 Ottawa, ON K1P 6L7  Canada |


June 18, 2024


IAA Releases Paper on Actuarial Considerations Around Pandemic-Related Risks

The International Actuarial Association (IAA) is pleased to announce the publication of the paper Actuarial Considerations Around Pandemic-Related Risks developed by the IAA’s Pandemics Task Force.

This is an educational paper intended for an audience of actuaries, especially those who may not have been closely involved with pandemics research or analysis, as well as non-actuarial stakeholders who wish to consider the actuarial response to future pandemics.

The COVID 19 Pandemic as well other pandemics such as HIV/AIDS and the 1918 influenza pandemic have brought several critical factors into play that have reshaped global perspectives and responses. This paper provides a high-level retrospective of the lessons we have learned to date, offering valuable insights for future preparedness.

Several key themes have emerged from a review of the impact of pandemics on the actuarial profession, and these are generally true across all practice areas. The paper examines the lessons across the key practice areas for actuaries and the broader economic and societal impact and the resilience of the financial sector.

This paper is the first in a series of three papers, aimed at creating awareness and increasing the recognition for the potential contribution of actuaries as risk experts can make in planning for and managing pandemic-related risks. This paper is available on the IAA website PUBLICATIONS / PAPERS / HEALTH.

The Pandemics Risk Task Force will host a webinar later in the year to present this paper. Information about the webinar will follow when the details are finalised.

This activity advances the IAA’s mission and strategic objectives to provide key supranational institutions with actuarial expertise on issues of relevance in global forums and to promote the advancement of scientific knowledge and skills of the actuarial profession.

To learn more about the work of the IAA on this topic, contact the Director of Technical Activities at the IAA Secretariat.

Ce communiqué de nouvelles est aussi disponible en français.



The IAA is the worldwide association of professional actuarial associations, representing over 75,000 actuaries in more than 115 countries, with six special interest Sections for individual actuaries. The IAA was founded in 1895 and exists to encourage the development of a global actuarial profession, acknowledged as technically competent and professionally reliable, which will ensure that the public interest is served. The IAA has 73 Full Member Associations and 27 Associate Member Associations.


International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
99 Metcalfe Suite 1203 Ottawa, ON K1P 6L7  Canada |
