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[IAA] WEEKLY NEWS BRIEF - August 22, 2024
2024-08-26 조회수 : 256


August 22, 2024



International Actuaries Day: Actuarial Intelligence - The AI Enhanced Actuary

Audience: All 

Mark your calendars for International Actuaries Day 2024! #IAD2024

This year's webinar topic: Actuarial Intelligence - The AI Enhanced Actuary 💡

Host and Moderator: Charles Cowling, IAA President

Guest Speakers:
Adam Driussi - Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Quantium
Dorothy L. Andrews, PhD - Senior Behavioral Data Scientist and Actuary for the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)

September 2, 2024

08:00 – 09:00 EDT

 Please click here to register



Climate Risk Webinar: Actuarial Considerations Around Climate-Related Risks on Social Security

Audience: All

On behalf of the International Actuarial Association’s (IAA) Climate Risk Task Force and the International Social Security Association (ISSA) Technical Commission, we are pleased to invite you to register for our upcoming joint webinar titled "Actuarial Considerations Around Climate-Related Risks on Social Security."

The paper, which was published in June 2024, is the seventh in a series of papers published by the Climate Risk Task Force. This paper explores the implications of climate-related risks on social security, focusing on actuarial perspectives. The aim of this paper is to create awareness and assist actuaries (and others) to understand the role actuaries can play in collaboration with social security professionals to design resilient programs.

This webinar is free of charge and open to all interested participants.

September 16, 2024

07:00 – 08:15 EDT

 Please click here to register


Council and Committee Meetings – Tallinn, Estonia

Audience: Members of the committees meeting in Tallinn


The Tallinn meetings are fast approaching; hence this is a friendly reminder that if you are attending in person, it is important that:


  • You ensure that your guestroom is booked. The IAA block will be released back to the hotel on September 4, 2024.
  • Register before the deadline of September 12, 2024. This will ensure that you have access to all the materials and information you need, and that logistics are planned accordingly.
    • If you already completed the registration form, please click here to ensure that your registration was received at the Secretariat. (note that you must be logged into your IAA account to view.)
  • Click here to access the event's website.


Please do not hesitate to contact Anne Lamarche for any questions or concerns.



IACA Awards

Audience: All 

The IACA Section is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 Geoffrey Heywood and 2024 Max Lander Awards.🏆
The Max Lander Award, named after a founding member, recognizes contributions to the public awareness of the actuarial profession and promotion of the business of consulting actuaries. This year, David Wilkie and Yves Guérard are the recipients of the award.

The Geoffrey Heywood Award, honouring the founding Chairman, is given to young consulting actuaries for significant services to the public and the profession. Sahib Singh Khosla was selected as this year's recipient.

Congratulations to all the winners!






17th Asian Regional Seminar – Hong Kong

Audience: All 


“The Future of Actuarial Work”

We are pleased to invite you to the 17th Asian Regional Seminar under the theme “The Future of Actuarial Work”. The seminar will take place on 22 October 2024 right before the start of the AAC at the Ocean Park Marriott Hotel in Hong Kong.


As in previous years we have joined forces with AAC organizers, the Actuarial Society of Hong Kong (ASHK), to make this seminar possible and the ASHK proposes the generous offer below to seminar attendees interested to stay and enjoy the Asian Actuarial Conference (AAC). This seminar will take place in-person only. Given that it is free of cost, we will accommodate the first 60 interested participants. Do not miss this opportunity and contact Karla Zuñiga, at, to reserve your seat!


  Click here for more details on the program and to register


Asian Actuarial Conference – Hong Kong

The Actuarial Society of Hong Kong (“ASHK”) will host the Asian Actuarial Conference (“AAC”) following the IAA Asia Regional Seminar. The theme of the AAC is Exploring the future of insurance and beyond: Innovation, international hubs and Hong Kong. As one of the largest actuarial events in 2024, we gather close to 100 internationally renowned speakers and panelists, attracting more than 700 actuarial professionals and executive leaders from insurance and other industries across Asia.  To ensure that you have a the best experience in Hong Kong, review the program prepared by the ASHK for the AAC.

For more information, please visit:

AAC website - LinkedIn -


UNDP-Milliman GAIN Mentorship Program

Audience: All 

Do you want to become a mentor for the UNDP-Milliman GAIN Mentorship program in 2025? Registration is now open!

If you are:


  • An Associate or Fellow of an international actuarial professional body, with minimum 4 years of related work experience in the actuarial profession; or
  • Have minimum 7+ years of related work experience in the actuarial profession (no requirement of being an Associate or Fellow)
  • And eager to develop the actuarial profession and growing a young generation of actuaries in developing countries (e.g. Nigeria, Nepal, Egypt)


Please apply for the Mentorship program 2025 (program will start in Q4 2024) via this form here. To learn more about the volunteer role please visit the Job Description here.


For any questions, please send an email to


International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
99 Metcalfe Suite 1203 Ottawa, ON K1P 6L7  Canada |

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