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[IAA] ERM Insights from Failures and Near Failures – Part 2 웹세미나 개최 안내(11/7 오전9시)
2024-11-01 조회수 : 384

11월 7일(화)에 "Market Risk Management in Banking - Part 2"를 주제로 웹세미나가 진행예정입니다. 관심 있는 회원께서는 참고하시기 바랍니다.

  • 주제: ERM Insights from Failures and Near Failures – Part 2
  • 일시: 2024년 11월 7일(화) 오전9시(KST)
  • 주최: 국제계리사회(IAA, Interanational Actuarial Association)
  • 내용:

The Risk Book chapter covering this topic focuses on situations where inadequate ERM processes have led to company failures or near failures. A webinar was held last year that summarized ERM insights from three of the case studies featured in the chapter.  This year’s webinar will look at additional companies profiled in the chapter as well as responding to more general ERM topics raised by attendees during the prior session. 

Issuing arising with companies from Australia, Canada, and Japan will be included in the discussion.  Panelists will contrast the current ERM and regulatory climate with the environment that existed at the time of those earlier failures and opine on whether the industry is in a better position now.  There will be further commentary on the role of the Board in avoiding failure situations and on how actuaries can support appropriate responses.

     * ERM Insights from Failures and Near Failures - Part 1(2023.12.18)의 녹화본과 발표자료는 링크와 첨부파일을 확인하시기 바랍니다.