제2회 IAA AI 서밋, "AI-지원 보험계리사(The AI-Enabled Actuary)”가 2025년 2월 20-21일 샌프란시스코에서 성공적으로 개최되었습니다. 이번 서밋에서는 심도 있는 전체 회의와 함께, 2025-26년을 위한 4개의 워크스트림별 토론이 활발히 진행되었습니다.
둘째 날 폐회 총회에서는 각 워크스트림이 논의한 주요 성과와 2025-2026년을 위한 권장 후속 조치를 발표했습니다. 보다 자세한 내용은 AI 태스크포스 웹페이지에서 확인하실 수 있으며, 서밋 관련 정보는 이벤트 탭에 게시되어 있습니다.
이번 서밋의 성공을 위해 철저히 준비하고 행사를 이끌어주신 Frank Chang AI 태스크포스 부위원장님께 깊은 감사를 드립니다. 또한, 워크스트림 리더들과 모든 참가자들의 소중한 기여와 통찰력 있는 논의에 진심으로 감사드립니다. 아울러, 참가자들을 위해 칵테일 리셉션을 주최해주신 SOA에도 감사드립니다. 리셉션은 샌프란시스코 전경이 한눈에 펼쳐지는 Westin 호텔 32층 Bay View 룸에서 열려, 아름다운 풍경 속에서 뜻깊은 네트워킹의 시간을 가질 수 있었습니다.
Operational Resilience in the Financial Sector: Practical Guidance 에 여러분을 초대합니다.
영국 금융 규제기관(영국 중앙은행, 프루덴셜 규제 기관, 금융행위감독청)은 기업들이 서비스 연속성을 유지하고, 운영 중단 상황에서도 금융 시장을 안정적으로 지원할 수 있도록 운영 회복력(Operational Resilience, OR)을 핵심 우선순위로 두고 있습니다.
기업들은 명확한 서비스 기준을 수립하고 이를 정기적으로 테스트하며, OR을 일상 운영과 장기 전략에 깊이 통합해야 합니다. 아울러, 고위 경영진과 이사회가 회복력 강화를 위한 궁극적인 책임을 져야 합니다. 2025년 3월까지 규제가 완전히 시행될 예정이므로, 기업들은 이를 해석하고 실제 적용하는 과정에서 다양한 도전과 새로운 기회를 마주하게 될 것입니다.
이번 웨비나에서는 영국 금융기관(UKFIs)이 운영 회복력 지침을 효과적으로 구현할 수 있도록 실질적인 가이드와 권장 사항을 제공합니다.
We are pleased to report the successful completion of our 2nd IAA AI Summit, "The AI-Enabled Actuary," held in San Francisco on February 20-21, 2025. The summit featured insightful plenary sessions and four separate collaborative breakout group discussions in the four workstreams established for 2025-26.
On day 2, during the closing plenary session, the four workstreams presented the key outcomes from their discussions and the recommended next steps for 2025-2026. Please visit the AI Task Force webpagesfor more details. Information about the Summit is posted under Events.
A big thank you to Frank Chang, AI Task Force Vice Chair, for leading the proceedings and for the extensive preparation that contributed to the summit’s success. Thanks also to the workstream leads and all participants for their valuable contributions, discussions, and insights. We are grateful to the SOA for hosting the cocktail reception for the attendees which provided a wonderful opportunity to network in a beautiful setting in the Bay View room on the 32nd floor of the Westin with spectacular views of San Francisco.
Join us for a webinar on Operational Resilience in the Financial Sector: Practical Guidance
The UK Financial Regulators (Bank of England, Prudential Regulatory Authority and Financial Conduct Authority) prioritise Operational Resilience (OR) to ensure firms can maintain service continuity and support financial markets during disruptions.
Firms must establish and test clear service standards, embed OR into daily operations and strategies, and ensure senior management and Boards take responsibility for resilience. With regulations to be fully implemented by March 2025, firms face both challenges and opportunities in interpreting and applying these requirements.
This webinar offers practical guidance and recommendations to help UK-based financial institutions (UKFIs) implement the Operational Resilience guidelines.
AFIR-ERM Section Webinar Series on the Asian Solvency Frameworks for Insurance Companies
Audience: All
A Three-Part Webinar Series on The Asian Solvency Frameworks for Insurance Companies
Are you looking to deepen your understanding of solvency frameworks in the Asian insurance market? We are excited to announce a series of three comprehensive webinars designed to provide you with valuable insights and practical knowledge on this critical topic.
1st webinar: Navigates the C-Ross Framework: Solvency Regulations in China – Watch the Replay
2nd webinar: Will cover both Hong Kong and Singapore Solvency Frameworks (16 April)
3rd webinar: Understanding Solvency Frameworks in Japan and South Korea (18 June)
Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your expertise and stay competitive in the insurance industry. Register now to secure your spot!
Executive Committee Report to Council
Audience: Council Delegates
The minutes from the Executive Committee meeting on December 10 is available online. The minutes from the January meeting will be made available once they are finalized.
Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Executive Coordinator.
Exposure Draft of Proposed ISAP 8 on IFRS S2 Climate-Related Disclosures
Audience: Council Delegates and Presidents of Member Associations
Please see the transmittal memorandum from Andrew Chamberlain, Chair, Actuarial Standards Committee (ASC) of the IAA, regarding the exposure draft of the exposure draft of International Standard of Actuarial Practice 8 (ISAP 8) on IFRS S2 Climate-Related Disclosures, and the associated glossary.
The exposure draft (published on 2 December 2024) was developed by the ISAP 8 Task Force of the ASC, and they have been duly approved by the ASC in accordance with IAA Due Process for development of International Standards of Actuarial Practice.
Please distribute these documents widely within your organization, and to any actuarial standard setters and other interested parties in your jurisdiction.
These documents are also available on the IAA website under Publications/ISAPs (Web link).
The deadline to comment on this exposure draft is 4 April 2025.
We kindly request you to follow the instructions in the attached transmittal memorandum and use the attached comment template and when submitting comments.
Please feel free to contact Amali Seneviratne, Director Technical Activities, at the IAA Secretariat if you have any questions.