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[IAA] Weekly News Brief - September 22, 2021
2021-09-23 조회수 : 703


September 22, 2021


·       Capacity Building for Insurance Supervisors - Leveraging Actuarial Skills

·       In Memoriam – David Congram

·       Upcoming Events

·       Reminder: Electronic Council Ballot

·       Executive Committee Report to Council


Capacity Building for Insurance Supervisors - Leveraging Actuarial Skills

Audience: All


Over the last four weeks, the IAA participated in a fully virtual actuarial skills training for insurance supervisors with the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) and the IAIS. Over 40 participating supervisors from more than 20 jurisdictions participated in this four-week program. The focus of this training was for the Sub-Saharan Africa region.


The training was delivered as a combination of online self-paced learning modules and live sessions by a team of 11 experienced actuaries, all of whom have broad risk management and supervisory backgrounds. The IAA was represented by Fred Rowley, Jules Gribble, Alex Kuhnast, Britta Hay, Simone Braithwaite and Stuart Wason – we wish to thank them all for the countless hours of work they put in preparing the training materials.


The training aims at teaching the principles of actuarial concepts and providing the tools needed to support effective insurance supervision and regulation. Topics covered included insurer distress, risk management, valuation and actuarial reports, risk-based capital, reinsurance, supervisory frameworks as well as monitoring for risk-based solvency. 


The IAA will be working with A2ii over the coming months as we prepare additional trainings for Spanish and French speaking countries.


 In Memoriam – David Congram

Audience: All


We are saddened to announce the passing of David James Congram.


David was a very devoted and loyal IAA volunteer who served with the utmost integrity, dedication, and passion. He contributed tremendously to the IAA’s mission and the actuarial profession globally. The IAA was fortunate to benefit from David’s passionate work through his IAA roles as Vice-Chair on the Insurance Accounting Committee, member on the Executive Committee and in leading the Discount Rates Monograph project team. David remains recognized and highly respected for his passionate work. It is a very sad and sudden loss to the international community.


We would like to express our sincere condolences to his wife, family, friends and colleagues.


David's obituary and book of remembrance can be found here:


Upcoming Events

Audience: All


Below is a list of upcoming IAA events available on the IAA calendar. Events organized by the IAA Sections require that you to be a member to register. We encourage you to share these events with your members and colleagues.

·       IAA Webinar: Climate-Related Scenarios Applied to Insurers and Other Financial Institutions: 29 September

·       1er Colloque International de l'Actuariat Francophone: 4-8 October

·       Joint Section Colloquium (AFIR-ERM / IAALS / IACA / PBSS): Post Pandemic Actuary: What We Have Learnt?:  11-15 October

·       IAA Webinar: International Actuarial Note on IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts (IAN 100): October 18 – For Europe, Africa and Asia-Pacific time zones

·       IAA Webinar: International Actuarial Note on IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts (IAN 100): October 20 – For the Americas and Europe time zones

·       ASTIN Webinar: Three-layer problems and the Generalized Pareto DistributionOctober 21


Reminder: Electronic Council Ballot

Audience: Council Delegates of Full Member Associations; Sections


For those who have not submitted their votes on the Council electronic ballot, please do so no later than October 16, 2021. Please ensure you are signed in to access the electronic ballot. If you need assistance accessing the electronic ballot, please contact


Thank you to those listed below who have submitted their votes for Council ballot:

Eesti Aktuaaride Liit

Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e. V. (DAV)

Actuarial Society of Ghana

Magyar Aktuárius Társaság

Institute of Actuaries of Japan

Persatuan Aktuari Malaysia

Svenska Aktuarieföreningen

Conference of Consulting Actuaries

IAAHS Section


Executive Committee Report to Council

Audience: Council Delegates


The EC minutes of its August 24 meeting are available online. The EC met today, September 21, and those minutes will follow. The EC will meet next on October 19. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Executive Director.



International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
99 Metcalfe Suite 1203 Ottawa, ON K1P 6L7  Canada
Tel: 1-613-236-0886 | Fax: 1-613-236-1386 |

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