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[IAA] You are invited to the Espresso Yourself Coffee Break
2021-09-23 조회수 : 393

You are invited to the Espresso Yourself Coffee Break

“The way to get good ideas, is to get lots of ideas” 

~Linus Pauling~ 

What is our dream in terms of recognition of the profession? 

Why chose an actuary over data specialists? 

Do these questions sound familiar? They are to me and to many of us at the IAA. Therefore, it is my
pleasure to announce the topic of the upcoming Espresso Yourself Coffee Break: 

Increasing recognition of the profession internationally 

Join me and my guests in this virtual brainstorming session, where we exchange ideas on what the
actuarial community can do together to increase our profession’s recognition globally. We know
many associations are very active in this domain, please come ready to share what works well for
your association in addition to sharing your thoughts on how the IAA can help and what can the IAA
do that is not already done my member associations. 

This edition will be held twice to accommodate different time zones. 

• September 15, 2021 - 07:00 EDT your local time 

• September 20, 2021 - 17:00 EDT your local time 

Spots are limited and will be offered on a first come, first
serve basis to a maximum of 10 attendees per time slot.
Only one representative per IAA Full or Associate Member
can participate. Please send to 

• the name of your representative 

• your association’s name; and 

• the preferred time slot. 

Further instructions will be sent to the assigned representative
in a timely manner. 

I am looking forward to brainstorming with you. 

Jan Kars 

IAA 2021 President
