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[SOA] Asia Timezone Webcast - Managing Convexity for Delta-Hedged Participating Portfolios Webcast
2021-07-22 조회수 : 478

SOA는 2021년 7월 29일 오후 12:00 ~1:30 HKT (13:00~14:30 KST)에 Managing Convexity for Delta-Hedged Participating Portfolios 웹캐스트를 조직하고 있습니다.


전 세계적으로, COVID-19 위기의 도래 이후, 주요 경제국들은 이전 수준의 COVID 생산량에 도달하기 위해 고군분투하는 등 거시 경제 환경은 전례 없는 패러다임 변화를 겪고 있습니다. 주식시장이 회복되어 사상 최고 수준에 근접하는 동안, 이자율 표시는 특히 미 재무부 장기 수익률이 증가하면서 많은 양의 암시적 변동성을 보여 왔습니다. 이러한 움직임은 인플레이션에 대한 두려움으로 인해 악화되어 실질 금리가 빨간 영역으로 과감히 진입하게 되었습니다.

 Given the long-term nature of insurance business, generally for participating blocks of business, interest rate risk remains one of the major risks for an insurance company—which if not managed meticulously could impact an insurer’s ability to meet not only future non-guaranteed payout but also guaranteed payout, especially if policyholder’s guarantee moves deep in-the-money.  To ameliorate this risk, insurance companies usually manage duration gap—i.e. the extent to which liabilities change vis-à-vis assets backing them, when the yield curve experiences parallel shifts.  Duration gap, whilst being one of the most important metric of managing interest rate risk, is not water-tight, and fails to account for second-order impacts, which could lead to material changes in liabilities and assets in real-world scenario and in scenarios wherein the shift in yield curve is not parallel—the shift rarely is parallel!


이 웨비나(webinar)를 통해 다음과 같은 이야기를 하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

  • 볼록리스크의 의미와 계산;
  • 포트폴리오를 헤지할 필요성;
  • 볼록리스크 관리의 스왑과 같은 효율적인 금융상품의 사용; 그리고
  • 전방 변동성 계약("FVA")과 같은 미래의 내재 변동성을 관리할 수 있는 계측기사용


웹사이트등록 (온라인 등록 마감일: 2021년 7월 25일)

등록 수수료(*기타 할인이 적용될 수 있음)

  • SOA 회원 USD 35.00
  • 비회원 USD 50.00



  • 샨타누 바시쉬스, 액추아리어 준교, 밀리만
  • 토르스틴 블레이크 봄, AXA, 투자 및 ALM 매니저



  • 이택기 FSA, AON 패스와이즈 솔루션 그룹 전무 이사 겸 본부장



1.80 크레딧


어떤 질문에 대 한, 주저 하지 말고 문의 하시기 바랍니다. 우리는이 웹 캐스트에서 당신을 환영하기를 기대합니다.


Society of Actuaries

SOA.ORG 페이스 북

Dear Colleagues,


Good day!  Hope this email finds you very well and healthy~


The SOA is organizing the Managing Convexity for Delta-Hedged Participating Portfolios Webcast on 12:00 - 1:30 PM HKT, 29th July, 2021


Globally, since the advent of COVID-19 crisis, the macroeconomic environment has been going through an unprecedented paradigm shift, with major economies struggling to reach their pre-COVID output levels.  Whilst the equity markets have recovered, remaining close to all-time high levels, the interest rate mark has witnessed a large amount of implied volatility, especially with the increase in the long-term yields of US-Treasuries.  This movement has been exacerbated by fears of inflations, causing the real interest rates to venture into the red territory.


Given the long-term nature of insurance business, generally for participating blocks of business, interest rate risk remains one of the major risks for an insurance company—which if not managed meticulously could impact an insurer’s ability to meet not only future non-guaranteed payout but also guaranteed payout, especially if policyholder’s guarantee moves deep in-the-money.  To ameliorate this risk, insurance companies usually manage duration gap—i.e. the extent to which liabilities change vis-à-vis assets backing them, when the yield curve experiences parallel shifts.  Duration gap, whilst being one of the most important metric of managing interest rate risk, is not water-tight, and fails to account for second-order impacts, which could lead to material changes in liabilities and assets in real-world scenario and in scenarios wherein the shift in yield curve is not parallel—the shift rarely is parallel!


Through this webinar, we aim to talk about:

  • The meaning and calculation of convexity risk;
  • The need to convexity hedge a portfolio;
  • The usage of efficient financial instruments such as swaptions in managing convexity risk; and
  • The managing of cost of convexity hedge using instruments that allow managing future implied volatility, such as Forward Volatility Agreements (“FVA”).


WebsiteRegistration (Online Registration Deadline: 25th July, 2021)

Registration Fees (*Other discounts may apply)

  • SOA Member USD 35.00
  • Non-Member USD 50.00



  • Shantanu Vashishth, Actuarial Associate, Milliman
  • Torsten Blake Bohm, Manager, Investment & ALM, AXA



  • Taik Ki Lee, FSA, Managing Director and Head, AON PathWise Solutions Group


SOA CPD credit:

1.80 credits


For any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We look forward to welcoming you in this webcast.


Society of Actuaries

