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[IAA] Weekly News Brief - June 30, 2021
2021-07-01 조회수 : 461



   - May 13 Council Minutes

   - Upcoming Webinars

   - 2 for 1 Summer and Winter IAA Virtual Olympics

   - Request for July Newsletter Submissions

   - Call for Papers – Upcoming Section Colloquia

   - Reminders

Please note that the Secretariat will be closed on Thursday, July 1st for Canada’s National Holiday.


May 13 Draft Council minutes

Audience: Council Delegates, Correspondents


The draft Council minutes from the May 13 meeting are now available online. These will be presented to for approval at the next Council meeting later this year, the date is to be determined.


Upcoming Webinars

Audience: All


Mortality by Causes of Death

Date: July 14, 2021 – 7:00-8:00 (EDT)


This webinar will present the findings of the recently released discussion paper on Mortality by Causes of Death developed by the IAA Mortality Forum. 

The study of mortality is a keystone of actuarial activity. Mortality studies identify and compare patterns and trends in historical data, which may change for many reasons, with the objective of projecting these into the future. This paper discusses mortality differences by causes of death (CODs). As mortality by each COD can exhibit different patterns from other CODs and from the mortality pattern of the total population, a detailed study of mortality by COD enables a deeper understanding of overall patterns, and can therefore guide actuaries and decision-makers more reliably.

Mainly using data from 1950 until recent years, mortality data by COD, country, gender and time was taken from two major sources that effectively adhere to the International Classification of Diseases Version 10 (ICD-10): the Human Cause-of-Death Database with data from 16 countries, and the Cause of Death section of the Human Mortality Database with data from 8 countries.

The paper attempts to provide a comprehensive observation of mortality by COD, drawn from these two databases. The CODs have been re-grouped in order to make the information from the two databases more consistent, and also to point out CODs that may be of interest in mortality projections. The paper discusses a number of topics for further development and consideration and gives some indication of the directions which could be taken.

Speakers: Ayse Arik, Yair Babad and Dov Raphael

Click here to register


The Professional Actuary in Times of Uncertainty - Responsibility to society when facing tail events
Date: August 4, 2021 - 2:30pm New Delhi / 5:00pm Singapore / 6:00pm Tokyo / 7:00pm Sydney


This is the second webinar put on by IAA’s Advice and Assistance’s Asia Task Force

After 18 months living with the COVD-19 global pandemic (and the end clearly remains some time away), this webinar will address how actuaries can support society when facing extreme global events. Kunj Behari Maheshwari will provide a general approach that considers some key underlying issues to be addressed. These includes, but is not limited to, the responsibilities of insurers to society at large and how fair treatment of clients may be assessed and judged. For actuaries, this translates to how actuaries may fulfill their professional and, more broadly, social obligations and responsibilities.


Speakers: Kunj Behari Maheshwari, Thanuja Krishnaratna and See Ju Chua


Click here to register

2 for 1 Summer and Winter IAA Virtual Olympics

Audience: All

Have you checked out the IAA’s Virtual Olympics happening on our Facebook page? Watch Jan and Mathieu introductory video.


Request for July Newsletter Submissions

Audience: Member Association Correspondents; Chairpersons of IAA Committees, Sections and Working Groups, Patrons


The next regular IAA newsletter will be issued at the end of July. If your association or group has any news or events of international interest for this issue, please send your article(s) by July 14th to

Call for Abstracts – Upcoming Section Colloquia

Audience: All

Four Sections of the International Actuarial Association – AFIR-ERM (Financial Risks and ERM), IAALS (Life Insurance), IACA (Consulting) PBSS (Pensions, Benefits and Social Security), and  invite you to a joint virtual Colloquium which will take place online between 11th and 15th October 2021. The Colloquium will be open at no charge to current or newly joining members of a sponsoring section. Each day, a one-hour presentation given by a keynote speaker, or a panel discussion is planned along with 2-3 hours concurrent sessions with contributed talks. The general theme of the Colloquium is “Post pandemic actuary: what we have learnt”. 

You can access the full Call for Abstracts here.


The actuarial field related to non-life insurance and the financial industry continues to evolve, making it vital for professionals from around the world to share ideas that lead to innovations and improvements. In the spirit of pushing ideas forward, we present the 2022 Actuarial Colloquia, which comprises the AFIR-ERM (Finance, Investment & Enterprise Risk Management) and ASTIN (Non-Life Insurance) Sections of the IAA. The Casualty Actuarial Society is delighted to host the 2022 Actuarial Colloquia in Orlando, Florida, USA. These colloquia will bring together the best actuarial researchers and practitioners, along with their papers exhibiting the latest actuarial and scientific techniques.

ASTIN Section members (Non-Life insurance), AFIR-ERM Section members (Financial Risks and ERM), the international actuarial community and other academics, experts and professionals who are interested in the fields of actuarial studies in Non-Life insurance, reinsurance, enterprise risk management and financial risks are encouraged to submit a paper or presentation to the 2022 Actuarial Colloquia Orlando.

Please visit the Actuarial Colloquia website for more details. 




Audience: Council Delegates, Correspondents


  • Deadline: June 30 – Appoint FMA Delegates to IAA Forums
  • Deadline: July 8 – Submit your Electronic Council Ballot (Updated Investment Policy)
  • Deadline: July 30 – Submit any questions or questions regarding the questions or concerns regarding the application for Full Membership from Ecuador

International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
99 Metcalfe Suite 1203 Ottawa, ON K1P 6L7  Canada
Tel: 1-613-236-0886 | Fax: 1-613-236-1386
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