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[IAA] Weekly News Brief - June 9, 2021
2021-06-10 조회수 : 467


June 9, 2021


  • O Executive Committee Report to Council
  • O Espresso Yourself Coffee Break – Second Edition
  • O EMINDER: FMA Delegates to IAA Forums and Subgroups


Executive Committee Report to Council

Audience: Council Delegates


The EC minutes of its May 18 meeting are available online. The EC will meet next on June 22. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Executive Director.


Espresso Yourself Coffee Break – Second Edition


Audience: Council Delegates


June 16, 2021 from 07:00 – 08:00 EDT (your local time): only 1 spot left! Hurry, they are assigned on a first come, first serve basis

June 23, 2021 from 17:00 – 18:00 EDT (your local time): 6 available spots

The invitation, from President Jan Kars, was sent to Council on May 25, 2021. If you misplaced yours, please request another one at


REMINDER: FMA Delegates to IAA Forums and Subgroups

Audience: Full Member Association (FMA) Presidents and Council Delegates; FMA Correspondents and Chief Staff Officers


Further to our communication below, if your FMA had a member what was formerly the IAA’s Health Committee or the Social Security Committee, we will transfer those members to the new Health Forum and the Social Security Subgroup respectively by 30 June, unless we hear otherwise from you via the survey.



Following Council approval on 13 May 2021 for the creation of Forums, we are now in the process of setting up and populating these Forums.


As directed by Council, these Forums will be populated by volunteers designated by their FMA. Starting July 1, 2021, these IAA Forums will have two main categories of participants: 

1. Members: the formal representatives of IAA FMAs.

2. Observers: other volunteers who are designated by their FMA.

Note some Forums may also have representatives from Partner Supranational organization, Liaisons to other IAA entities such as Sections and/or Ex-officio members, as applicable.


Please click here for more information on Forums and Virtual Forums, and responses to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 


Request to FMAs

Using this link, you are kindly requested to designate Members and Observers to these new Forums before June 30, 2021. Please provide the full name and contact details for each delegate.


A note regarding Current Members and Interested Persons in the Task Forces

A separate communication will be sent to the current participants of the related current Task Forces informing them of this change. This communication will also inform them that the Members and Observers of the new Forums will be designated by FMAs. Hence, please be aware that you may see some correspondence from some of your members in this regard, especially from individuals currently participating in the Task Forces who were Members of former IAA Working Groups, or Interested Persons, who were self-nominated individuals.


It is up to FMAs to inform the IAA of your Forum Members and Observers. Thus, the IAA relies on your support in assisting to implement these changes that will impact many volunteers.


It is our sincere hope that with FMA support, we will be able to implement this change with minimal impact on these volunteers who have been making valuable contributions to the work of the IAA for many years.


Thank you.



International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
99 Metcalfe Suite 1203 Ottawa, ON K1P 6L7  Canada
Tel: 1-613-236-0886 | Fax: 1-613-236-1386 |

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