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[IAA] Weekly News Brief - April 22, 2021
2021-04-26 조회수 : 480


April 22, 2021


  • News from the Meetings Department
  • ASTIN Online Colloquium 2021 – Full Programme Announced
  • Executive Committee Report to Council
  • Request for May Newsletter Submissions



News from the Meetings Department


Audience: All


Upcoming Meetings and Webinars



4Q 2021 Council and Committee Meetings

  • The IAA and the Institute of Actuaries of Korea (IAK) have agreed that it is best to postpone the meetings in Seoul, South Korea to 2024. The official dates will be communicated in due time.
  • More information regarding dates and format of the 4Q meetings will be communicated by the end of July 2021.


International Meetings Calendar

We are pleased to announce that the International Actuarial Events calendar is now up and ready on the home page of our website. All IAA members and external organizations can add their events by clicking the “Request form” button at the top of the calendar page. All requests will be processed within 24 to 48 hours.


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Anne Lamarche, Meeting Manager.


ASTIN Online Colloquium 2021 – Full Programme Announced


Audience: All


Dear colleagues,

Last week, we announced that the 2021 ASTIN Online Colloquium was open for registration, and we’re pleased to report that over 150 actuaries have already registered. As I previously mentioned, registration will be complimentary to everyone who wishes to attend the live sessions.


At the same time, we announced our 8 keynote speakers. This week, we are pleased to announce that our full programme has been finalized, which includes 43 additional presentations.


I would kindly encourage IAA member associations and actuarial colleagues to share this information and encourage everyone to participate. We have created a flyer which can be circulated and/or you can share our social media posts.


Visit our Colloquium Website to view our full programme and register. 

Frank Cuypers
Chair, ASTIN Section

Executive Committee Report to Council

Audience: Council Delegates


The EC minutes of its March 30 meeting are available online. The next EC also met on April 20 and the minutes from that meeting will follow. The EC will meet next on May 18. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Executive Director.


Request for May Newsletter Submissions

Audience: Member Association Correspondents; Chairpersons of IAA Committees, Sections and Working Groups, Patrons


The next regular IAA newsletter will be issued at the end of May. If your association or group has any news or events of international interest for this issue, please send your article(s) by May 14th to


International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
99 Metcalfe Suite 1203 Ottawa, ON K1P 6L7  Canada
Tel: 1-613-236-0886 | Fax: 1-613-236-1386 |

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