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[SOA] Virtual meetings & Webcast in Asia Timezone
2020-09-29 조회수 : 738

SOA Asia Timezone Virtual meetings & Webcast


미국계리사회(The Society of Activaries)는 20년 10월부터 11월까지 아시아 시간대에 가상 회의 및 웹캐스트를 기획하고 있습니다아래 정보를 참고하시기 바랍니다.

○ 아시아의 Insurtech-개념에서 사례까지 웹 캐스트

InsurTech는 효율성에 대한 열망에 따라 보험 가치 사슬의 모든 영역에서 기술 혁신을 사용합니다. InsurTech는 격차를 메우거나 새롭고 더 나은 마케팅 및 유통인수 및 가격 책정클레임 해결 방법을 찾습니다제품과 프로세스뿐만 아니라 비즈니스 모델에서도 판도를 바꾸는 것과 혼란에 관한 내용을 다룹니다. InsurTech 개발의 최전선에 있는 아시아에는 많은 역학 관계가 있습니다이 웹 캐스트는 보험계리사 및 학계 전문가의 관점을 다루며 아시아 지역의 생명보험손해보험 및 핀테크 산업의 핵심 개발에 대한 경험통찰력 및 사례 연구를 공유합니다.

날짜 : 2020년 10월 8() 12:00~13:30(HKT)

등록비 회원 USD 35.00/ 비회원 USD 50.00 (*다른 할인이 적용될 수 있습니다.)

온라인 등록 마감 : 2020년 10월 5일 (웹페이지/등록)


◌ Raymond Cheung, Director, BRCA Consultancy, Founder & CEO, CarFren AutomobileTech, Chief Risk Officer, Socio Capital P2P HealthTech

◌ SoJung Park, Professor, College of Business Administration, Seoul National University


◌ Xu Xian, Professor, Head of Department of Insurance and Risk Management, Fudan University, Director, China InsurTech Lab

- SOA CPD 학점 : 1.80 학점

○ AICT-SOA 공동 세미나 IFRS17

날짜 : 2020년 10월 20

등록 마감 : 2020년 10월 13일 (웹페이지/등록)


○ 보험계리사 웹캐스트를 위한 사업 개발 및 마케팅 (SOA/ASHK 공동 주최)

날짜 : 2020년 11월 3

등록 접수 중 웹페이지


○ SOA 예측 분석 가상 세미나

날짜 : 2020년 11월 13

등록비 회원 USD 75.00/ 비회원 USD 125.00 (*사전등록 9월 30일까지)

등록 마감 : 2020년 11월 8일 (웹페이지/등록)


The Society of Actuaries is pleased to organize a series of Virtual meetings & Webcast in Asia Timezone from October to November, 2020. I would, thus like to update you related information for your kind consideration and further sharing if appropriate

○ Insurtech In Asia - From Concepts to Cases Webcast

The SOA is organizing the Insurtech In Asia - From Concepts to Cases Webcast on 8th October (Thu), 1200 -1330 (HKT). InsurTech is the use of technology innovations in all areas of the insurance value chain, driven by the desire for efficiency. InsurTech either fills the gap or finds new and better ways of marketing and distribution, underwriting and pricing, and settling claims. It is about game-changer and disruptions in not only products, processes but also business models. There have been lots of dynamics in Asia where some players are at the forefront of InsurTech developments. This webcast covers the perspectives of both actuarial practitioner and academic expert to share their experiences, insights and case studies on some of the key concepts, development in the life, non-life and fintech industries in SEA, Korea and the region.


WebsiteRegistration (Online Registration Deadline 5th October 2020)


Registration Fees (*Other discounts may apply)

Member USD 35.00

Non-Member USD 50.00



Raymond Cheung, Director, BRCA Consultancy, Founder &CEO, CarFren AutomobileTech, Chief Risk Officer, Socio Capital P2P HealthTech, Singapore

SoJung Park, Professor, College of Business Administration, Seoul National University, South Korea



Xu Xian, Professor, Head of Department of Insurance and Risk Management, Fudan University, Director, China InsurTech Lab


SOA CPD credit:

1.80 credits


For any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We look forward to welcoming you in this webcast.


Society of Actuaries


○ The AICT-SOA Joint SeminarIFRS17

Date: 20th October 2020

Registration deadline: 13th October 2020 (WebpageRegistration)

○ Business Development and Marketing for Actuaries Webcast (Co-hosted by SOA/ASHK)

Date: 3rd November 2020

Registration open Webpage

○ The SOA Predictive Analytics Virtual Seminar

Date: 13th November 2020

Registration Fee: Member USD 75.00/ Non-Member USD125.00 (*Sign up by 30th September for early-bird)

Registration deadline: 8th November 2020 (WebpageRegistration)

