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[IAA] Weekly News Brief - September 9, 2020
2020-09-11 조회수 : 664
IAA 뉴스레터 9월 9일호를 공람합니다.
첨부파일을 참고하여주시기 바랍니다. 



September 9, 2020


  • · Executive Committee Report to Council
  • · Newly Released IAA Papers
  • · Advice and Assistance’s Asia Subcommittee Webinar Recording
  • · Request for September Newsletter Submissions
  • · Upcoming Virtual Events
  • · Annual Confirmation Form
  • · Reminders



Executive Committee Report to Council

Audience: Council Delegates


The EC minutes of its August 18 meeting are available online. The next EC meeting is scheduled for September 22. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Executive Director.



Newly Released IAA Papers

Audience: All


Over the last two weeks, the IAA has released the following papers:



The News Releases are linked above. Papers can be accessed via the News Release or directly on the IAA Website under Publications | Papers. Authors of these papers will be hosting webinars in the coming weeks (registration via the News Release).


We encourage member associations to share this information with their members as deemed appropriate.


Advice and Assistance’s Asia Subcommittee Webinar Recording


Audience:  All Actuaries, especially from actuarially developing countries and/or interested in supporting actuaries in the region


The Professional Actuary in Times of Uncertainty

Operational Risk - COVID-19 – professional impacts


The Advice and Assistance’s Asia Subcommittee hosted this first in a series of webinars on August 27th. The recording for this webinar, and other previously recorded webinars presented by the IAA, can be accessed on the IAA’s YouTube channel.


Again, we encourage member associations to share this information.


Request for September Newsletter Submissions

Audience: Member Association Correspondents; Chairpersons of IAA Committees, Sections and Working Groups, Patrons

The next regular IAA newsletter will be issued at the end of July. If your group has any news or events of international interest for this issue, please send your article(s) by September 16th to

Upcoming Virtual Events

Audience: All

On 24 and 25 September, the actuview online conference 2020 with more than 25 sessions will examine the many facets of “future | actuary”.

Leaders from RGA and Deloitte and the presidents of the IAA, the CERA Global Association and the Actuarial Association of Europe as well as the presidents of the national associations SOA, IFoA and DAV will talk about future challenges for the actuarial profession.


All IAA Section member can register on actuview for free, which includes access to aoc 2020 and all other contents on the platform.

Check out the event’s webpage (



Actuarial Society of South Africa – 2020 Virtual Convention – 6-8 October

These extraordinary times present us with the opportunity to do extraordinary things and it is no different with this year's Actuarial Convention. For our first ever Virtual Convention we have an exciting line-up of presentations, panel discussions and workshops. The Virtual Convention will be presented in three streams where two presentations will be shown in each concurrent session with time allocated for presenters to answer questions live after their presentations. Workshops will be presented live to ensure maximum interaction. For more information, please visit the Convention website.


Annual Confirmation Form

Audience: Member Association Correspondents


One of the IAA membership requirements for associate and full members is to complete a confirmation form on a yearly basis. We would like to thank all the associations that have complied with this requirement and we urge those associations who have yet to submit it, to complete the forms as soon as possible by selecting the appropriate link below:




International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
99 Metcalfe Suite 1203 Ottawa, ON K1P 6L7  Canada
Tel: 1-613-236-0886 | Fax: 1-613-236-1386 |

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