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[IAA] Weekly News Brief - July 9, 2020
2020-07-10 조회수 : 576

[국제] IAA 총회 서울 유치(‘21년 하반기) 확정

본회는 국제적 위상 강화 및 경쟁력 제고를 핵심 사업으로 선정하여 2013년 국제계리사회(IAA)의 정회원으로 가입하였습니다.
이후 국제회의 참가 및 해외 계리사회와의 교류 활성화 등의 사업을 추진하고 있습니다.

나아가 IFRS17 도입을 앞두고 있는 시점에서 국제 영향력/정합성 확보를 위해 IAA 총회를 서울에서 유치할 계획을 가지고 2019년부터 많은 시간과 노력을 들여왔습니다. 

이에 지난 19년 6월 본회 이사회 승인을 거쳐 IAA 측에 '총회 서울 유치 의사'를 최종 제출하였고 
그 결과, 최근 진행된 IAA 투표 결과에 따라 2021년 10월 IAA 총회 서울 개최가 최종 승인되었습니다.

본 행사의 성공적인 개최를 위해 앞으로 본회 임원, 위원장 그리고 회원님들의 많은 지원과 격려를 부탁드립니다.
계리사회는 한국의 계리사들을 세계에 널리 알릴 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 수 있도록 만반의 준비를 다하겠습니다.

※자세한 사항은 첨부된 IAA 뉴스레터 7월호를 참고해주시기 바랍니다.  



July 9, 2020


  • ● Results of the Council Electronic Ballot CEB2020-02
  • ● IACA Webinar:  Managing and growing your firm in an era of pandemic and lockdown
  • ● IAA Office Closure – Week of July 27-31 and August 3
  • ● Big Data Working Group Webinar: Current Views about Professionalism in the Use of Big Data
  • ● Reminders 


Results of the Council Electronic Ballot CEB2020-02


Audience: Council Delegates, Alternate Council Delegates, Correspondents and Chief Staff Officers


We are pleased to report the below motions submitted to Council through an electronic ballot on May 29, 2020 (closed on June 29, 2020) have now been approved.


Motion 1: Approve the recommendation of the Executive Committee that the IAA Council and Committee meetings take place in Q4 2021 in Seoul, South Korea, at the invitation of the Institute of Actuaries of Korea.

Motion 2: Ratify the appointments approved by the Executive Committee at its April 29 meeting with respect to the leadership of the newly formed Advance Committee in the attached note.


Should you have any questions regarding this ballot please contact Norah Neill (


IACA Webinar:  Managing and growing your firm in an era of pandemic and lockdown


Audience: All


The Webinar will provide insight into managing your practice in this new environment of Pandemic and Lockdown including how to market your services, communications with current and prospective clients, cyber risk for the smaller organization, Human Resources concerns including managing existing employee relationships at a distance and recruitment and onboarding of new employees.


Date: Jul 23, 2020 09:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Speakers:  Brian Spence, Asim Gani and Grace Vandecruze
Moderator: Marc Slutzky


For further details and to register, click here.


IAA Office Closure – Week of July 27-31 and August 3


Audience: All


Please note that the IAA Secretariat office will be closed during the week of July 27-31 and August 3rd (for a local holiday). Staff will return to normal duties on August 4th.


Big Data Working Group Webinar: Current Views about Professionalism in the Use of Big Data


Audience: All


On behalf of the IAA and the Big Data Working Group, we would like to extend our thanks to those who registered and participated on the recent webinar entitled Current Views about Professionalism in the Use of Big Data presented by Ashleigh Theophanides and Bob Miccolis.


As promised, we are pleased to share with you the presentation and video recording now available for viewing on the IAA website on the News/What’s New page


*Note: They are also posted on the BDWG’s ‘Documents’ page for those who have log in credentials to access it.


We hope that you find this presentation informative and should you have any further questions and/or comments, you are welcome to send them directly to and we will forward them to the presenters on your behalf.






International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
99 Metcalfe Suite 1203 Ottawa, ON K1P 6L7  Canada
Tel: 1-613-236-0886 | Fax: 1-613-236-1386 |

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