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[IAJ] ASEA2020 개최 취소 안내
2020-06-26 조회수 : 578

2020년 9월 일본계리사회에서 개최 예정이었던 2020 ASEA 가 코로나바이러스의 계속적인 상태로 인해 취소됨을 알립니다. 

첨부된 파일을 참고해주시기 바랍니다. 


Dear past participants,

We hope all of you are staying healthy and safe.

On behalf of ASEA Committee of the Institute of Actuaries of Japan (IAJ),
we would like to inform you of the Actuarial Seminar of East Asia (ASEA) 2020.

After careful studies and consideration by the committee and IAJ,  
the ASEA this year, which was originally scheduled to be held in mid of September,
is cancelled due to ongoing condition worldwide caused by the pandemic outbreak
of coronavirus (COVID-19).  

Please find attached the official announcement letter from our president
for the cancellation of ASEA 2020.

We would like to extend our apologies to overseas colleagues who were looking
forward to attending ASEA this year.
It would be very much appreciated if you could forward this email to your colleagues/related person(s).

Thank you and best regards,

The Institute of Actuaries of Japan (IAJ)

