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2020년 제 23회 아시아계리사총회 취소 및 IAA Weekly News Brief - June 19, 2020
2020-06-08 조회수 : 636

2020년 인도네시아 발리에서 개최 예정인 제 23회 아시아 계리사 총회가 코로나 바이러스 대유행으로 취소되었음을 알려드립니다. 

자세한 사항은 첨부파일을 참고하여 주시길 바랍니다. 




June 19, 2020


● Draft Minutes from the Virtual Council Meeting on May 7, 2020
 Executive Committee Report to Council
 Council Electronic Ballot Deadline June 29
 Upcoming Member Association Webcasts
 Request for July Newsletter Submissions


Draft Minutes from the Virtual Council Meeting on May 7, 2020

Audience: Council Delegates

The draft minutes from the first ever virtual Council meeting are available online. These minutes are to be approved at the next virtual Council meeting in November 2020. If you have any comments, please send them to Norah Neill.

Executive Committee Report to Council

Audience: Council Delegates


The EC minutes of its June 9 meeting are available online. The next EC meeting is scheduled for July 14. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact the Executive Director.


Council Electronic Ballot Deadline June 29


Audience: Council Delegates, Alternate Council Delegates, Correspondents and Chief Staff Officers


Please submit your association’s vote for the current electronic ballot regarding the Q4 2021 IAA Council and Committee meetings and the Advance Committee Leadership no later than June 29, 2020You must be signed in to access the electronic ballot. If you need assistance accessing the electronic ballot, please contact


The Secretariat has received completed ballots from the associations/Sections listed below.

Actuaries Institute Australia

Canadian Institute of Actuaries/Institut Canadien des Actuaires

Suomen Aktuaariyhdistys

Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e. V. (DAV)

Israel Association of Actuaries

Istituto Italiano degli Attuari and Ordine degli Attuari

Institute of Actuaries of Japan

Instituto dos Actuários Portugueses

Institute of Actuaries of Korea

Col.legi d'Actuaris de Catalunya

Association Suisse des Actuaires

Actuarial Society of Turkey

Association of Consulting Actuaries Limited

American Society of Enrolled Actuaries

Casualty Actuarial Society

Conference of Consulting Actuaries

Society of Actuaries

AFIR/ERM Section

IAAHS Section

PBSS Section


Upcoming Member Association Webcasts


Audience: All


June 22: Institute and Faculty of Actuaries - Emerging Technologies: The Future of Social Impact Investing

June 29: Canadian Institute of Actuaries - McKinsey 2020 State of the P&C Insurance Industry


Request for July Newsletter Submissions

Audience: Member Association Correspondents; Chairpersons of IAA Committees, Sections and Working Groups, Patrons

The next regular IAA newsletter will be issued at the end of July. If your group has any news or events of international interest for this issue, please send your article(s) by July 10th  to

Note to Member Associations: We are seeking member associations interested in being featured in our “MEET THE ASSOCIATION” section in upcoming Newsletter issues. If you are interested, please submit your interest to for further details.

Note to Chairpersons: Please provide us with any presentations made to external organizations by members of your committee/group/section, or of any planned presentations. Please also convey news from any task forces, working groups or subcommittees reporting to your committee. If you would like to submit an article but do not have time to write it, please ask your vice-chair(s) to help you out.






International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
99 Metcalfe Suite 1203 Ottawa, ON K1P 6L7  Canada
Tel: 1-613-236-0886 | Fax: 1-613-236-1386 |

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