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[IAA] 이사회 및 위원회 회의 오타와 - 온라인 회의로 결정
2020-05-23 조회수 : 502

코로나의 영향으로 11월 오타와 국제계리사회 이사회 및 위원회 회의도 온라인 회의로 변경되었음을 알려드립니다. 

Dear all,


We know many of you are very much looking forward to our Council and Committee meetings planned for the end of November 2020 in Ottawa. Unfortunately, after our very careful assessment of the risks related to in-person international events and travel in this time of COVID-19 pandemic, we have come to the conclusion that it is impossible for us to ensure the health and safety of our attendees. We hereby announce that the in-person meetings scheduled to take place in Ottawa later this year will be transformed to a series of virtual meetings, similarly to the ones we recently organized with great success.


That being said, we are happy to announce our rescheduled line-up of future IAA Council and Committee meetings:


  • Brussels, Belgium

May 2021

Replacing the May 2020 Meetings

  • Seoul, South Korea

October 2021

Pending Council approval. Electronic ballot to be released shortly

  • Sydney, Australia

March/April 2022

Alongside with ICA 2022

  • Ottawa, Canada

September/October 2022

Replacing the November 2020 Meetings


Specific dates and more information can be found by clicking here.
